Photo of Melissa McAllister

Melissa McAllister


Dungeon's Gate

Independent Bookstore Member

Professional Bio

Melissa McAllister owns Dungeon's Gate, a friendly local game and book store in Ankeny, Iowa (a suburb of Des Moines), which she and her husband, Rob, opened in July 2020 and have operated since. Melissa grew up in mid-Missouri and graduated from Mizzou, where she studied political science, then went on to get her law degree. Melissa is the front-end manager, social media/marketing manager, and event/programming coordinator for the store--and the finder of things. In another life, she was a juvenile law attorney, a stay-at-home mom, a room mom, a school volunteer, and a jewelry maker. She has served on volunteer boards for community nonprofits, including TAKE (The Ankeny Klothing Exchange) and Ankeny Pride. She is a lifelong reader and it's common knowledge that she is always reading at least three different books (sometimes four or five) at the same time--some with her eyeballs, but most with her ears, as that allows her to do all.the.things.

Name of Company/Bookstore

Dungeon's Gate
2525 N Ankeny Blvd Ste. 101
Ankeny, IA 50023
MIBA Logo Independent Bookstore Member

Bookstore Role
Owner, Events, Frontline Bookseller, Operations, Social Media
The year I started bookselling
Categories I am well-versed in
Comics, Dystopian, Fantasy, LGBTQ+, Graphic Novels, Memoir, Nonfiction, Political, Science Fiction, Social Justice
Preferred media format
Would I like to receive ARCs
ARC genre preferences
Biography, Children's, Comics, Dystopian, Fantasy, Fiction, Graphic Novels, LGBTQIA2S+, Memoir, Middle Grade, Nonfiction, Sci-Fi, Social Justice, Young Adult
Where I post book reviews
Personal Social media, Other