Photo of Barbara Cerda

Barbara Cerda


La Revo Books

Independent Bookstore Member

Professional Bio

Barbara Cerda (she/her) is a proud Chicana, born and raised in Milwaukee, WI. She is the Co-Founder of La Revo Books Wisconsin’s only Latine-focused independent bookstore. Barbara received her bachelor’s degree in Community Leadership and Development from Alverno College. She is a first-time business owner and mother of three daughters. She finds energy in celebrating with her community, reading and spending time with her family.

Name of Company/Bookstore

La Revo Books
MIBA Logo Independent Bookstore Member

Bookstore Role
Owner, Events, Marketing, Social Media
The year I started bookselling
Preferred media format
Print books
Would I like to receive ARCs
ARC genre preferences
Art, Children's, Fiction, Folklore, Historical Fiction, History, Nonfiction, Poetry, Short Stories, Self Help, Other