Photo of Ashley Valentine

Ashley Valentine


Rooted MKE

Independent Bookstore Member

Professional Bio

Ashley Valentine intentionally decided to utilize her expertise in literacy, education, and youth development to support her community by creating a literacy haven--Rooted MKE. She has a graduate degree in Exceptional Education and Reading and previously was a public school teacher for 7 years. Her service continued when she joined the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee to build STEM curriculum, programming opportunities, and connect STEM professionals to Milwaukee youth. Ashley began to think more broadly about what education, creating, and collaborative partnership looked like after school, and finally after having children of her own, decided that work needed to look different for her while giving back directly into her community while raising children, and that's when Rooted MKE was born.

Name of Company/Bookstore

Rooted MKE
5312 West Vliet Street
Milwaukee, WI 53208
MIBA Logo Independent Bookstore Member

Bookstore Role