2024 Design Assets
Promote the roadmap with a colorful, cohesive look
We have a robust offering of design assets to help you spread the word and promote this year's roadmap through social media and your various online channels. Access all files by using the button below, or scroll to find a specific set of graphics. If you post anything on social media be sure to tag us so we can re-share your promotion!
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Map Artwork
Files included are the front cover, art side, ad side and back cover, in various sizes and file formats.
map artwork files
Each state has four different colorway options, including the original file if you'd like to create a colorway not provided. These files are medium to large so you can re-size as needed without losing resolution for digital only promotions.

background files
In-Store Contest Signage
Print these files in-store to promote the consumer contest on the back of the map. Sizes included are a 5x7 postcard, full 8.5x11 single sheet and shelf talkers you can fold and display with the map. Each file has two layout options allowing you to use your bookstore graphic.
5x7 postcard