Bestseller Resources

Make use of the Midwest Indie Bestseller List in your store and online. Download lists for easy ordering, upload to your website, and create a display in store with printable assets.

Week Ending 01/19/25


CSV files for Bookshop

HC fiction and nonfiction
PB fiction and nonfiction
Mass market
Picture books, YA/MG, and children's series 

For a tutorial on uploading CSV files to BookShop, check out this video by Terri LeBlanc.

Banner Ads

Customizable big banners / 800 x 300

Buttons / 800 x 500

Newsletter banners / 800 x 200

Leaderboard / 900 x 125

Booksellers, we ask you to please report your weekly sales!

By reporting your weekly sales, you celebrate independent bookstores and prove that our sales channel is strong. Make your voice heard, bring attention to regional authors, stay relevant in the halls of publishers and the minds of authors, and create indie bookstore buzz in-store, in print, and online.

How booksellers use the Midwest Indie Bestseller List

Bookseller Karin Kimble of Valley Bookseller in Stillwater, MN, says the following:

“We have a section in the store where the top 15 fiction and nonfiction, hardcover, and trade paper titles from the Heartland Indie Bestseller List are featured as Notable books. In the trade paper section, both fiction and nonfiction especially, this generates terrific sales for us. Customers see that display as they enter the front door. It’s almost a daily task to refill those shelves. The Heartland list reflects the interests of our customers better than the New York Times or West Coast lists.”

Sue Ostfield, former sales and marketing director at Milkweed Editions, commented on the value of bookseller sales reports from the perspective of a publisher.

“It’s incredibly gratifying to see sales pop on Bookscan following a successful event or a great review. Bookscan sales help build recognition for an author and for a publisher’s program. I highly recommend that MIBA booksellers participate in sales reporting, especially for a house like Milkweed Editions, when so many of our authors and favorite hand-selling bookstores are located in the Midwest.”